Thursday, April 21, 2011

Doing what I can for the earth

So many people have asked me to post my recipes of my homemade cleaning products, that I thought I better make a place where I could post them and would be easy for people to find. I would like to say a few things right up front. First I'm a very bad speller! Feel free and correct me...but really it doesn't do much good. Spelling I don't get along! I have spell check but have a hard time copy and pasting from one place to another.

Second is that all of these ideas came from other places. Other friends, websites, grandmas and magazines. I will not steal from anyone! I am just trying to put everything in one place. Most everything I have done I've tweaked in one way or another. I'm not one for following rules so I find that I like to add a little more of this or leave this out. I think you all should do that too...Make it yours!

Please leave comments and feedback. Let me know if you try something and how it works. Let others know some tips you might have. It will be nice to see what everyone else has to say about something. I'm going to post the laundry soap first. I will get them all up but as most of you know I don't have a lot of time. Kim H was the friend who gave my this recipe. She is a great friend who has lots of great ideas about saving money and helping the earth!

Thanks all! And go hug a tree!


  1. I really love this Trisha! I am trying to conserve ext. I want things to be healthier for me and my children, while helping out our beautiful earth! Thanks for this blog. I always have questions or want to know how you did things. I want to be so much greener. Even with growing my own flowers,vegetables,and herb. So blog away I NEED HELP!

  2. Thanks Sam! I will help in anyway I can...I did a garden last year and got to can my own food! I know your girls are getting to the age they really want to help...and it is so nice because my girls can help me. They can spray each other in the face with this stuff and it doesn't hurt them! I love knowing that!
